Welcome to Exploring Biotech, a website created as a part of my Gold Award project to introduce students to this developing branch of Science and to inspire more girls to join this field.
Our future depends on Biotechnology.
"Biotech is about learning life's tricks, trying to apply them to problems, and letting probability take it from there."
Need help coming up with a lesson plan? Not to worry, this page has activity-filled workshops for you to use!
My name is Sophie and I am the publisher. Currently, I am a Junior at Colorado School of Mines and I'm a Lifetime Girl Scout member. For my Gold Award, I chose to create a workshop for school teachers, a patch program for Girl Scouts, and this website to provide more information about Biotechnology. I believe it is important to educate the younger generations about the new, developing, and advancing science of Biotech. I chose to create this website to help bring attention to a new and promising field for future scientists. Hope you learn something new and get inspired!
To buy the patch, please call the Girl Scouts of Colorado shop. Their phone number is 303-607-4880